Subject: Where
Is there any site that still has DBZ epsiodes in real format? If not, why? I know used to have them but they are all gone!


    Funimation cracked down on sites of that sort. Although....out there...there are a few can still get a few dbz episodes available for download. Personally i never supported downloadable episodes. Not only was the quality horrid but it ruined about 25% of the series for me.....i stopped and now only buy fansubs(from where i can)

Subject: Tarles
If Tarles isn't Goku's twin brother, then why does he look like Goku so much?


   He is a "low-level" soldier. Just like Goku. All low-level soldiers look very similiar. Ya's funny....because i have yet to see 1 weak low-level soldier.... although Bardock and his band of the bardock special  are apparently lowlevel also...but they look nothing like Goku,Turles, or Bardock.

Subject: DBZ
hey, i have a question about the new episodes funimation is dubbing, i know the new episodes begin right after the last episode that was shown before they started to repeat, but when does it end? are they going straight up to GT, or are they gonna end after the freeza saga?



      To my knowledge exactly 50 new episodes are being dubbed....which leaves them once again right in the middle of another saga....Heh.....interesting. But the sale just from the very first 2 new dubbed tapes they released. Gave them enough money to purchase the entire series(they did)   i'd expect sometime in the next 2 years the entire series should be dubbed...maybe.

Subject: Question
I know Gohan goess SS and SS2, but does he ever go SS3. I don't think he has but I'm going to ask anyway


    Nope, he never did.

Subject: Vegeta and Bulma
HEY Danny, I got some questions and I want some answers or I'll blast you away with my power level of 5

1) How does the Vegeta and Bulma thing start, ya know how do they fall and love.

2) What is the Spirt of Time of time training

3) IN GT what is Chi-Chi's role she has to be a little P'oed that her Husband is a little kid

4) Does Master Roishi ever die



   HAhahha 5 isnt gonna hurt my power level(check the counter at the bottom of the main page).  :-)   ok lets get cracking.

1a.) Well, currently at the time Yamucha sorta ignored her...and Vegeta was just sort of around.

2a.) It's a room...where time goes faster. 1 minute is 6 hours in there. It's basically a doorway to an empty there...the only thing TO do is train.

3a.) Chi's Chi's role?  well...i dunno..i havent seen enough episodes of gt....but it's kinda wierd to see Gohan call this little kid Dad.....

4a.) He died in Dragonball, got wished back. And he died in dragonball z, when everyone in the world was killed by Buu(i could be wrong im still missing a few episodes from the buu saga).

Subject: hey danny
I am trying to write a fanfic story ( i think it's gonna rock ) and i wanted to clarify a few things.....

1) Who is videl? Vegeta's daughter, gohan's girlfriend?

2) Gohan can't go super saiyan or doesn't need to? I need to clarify this..

3) Is goku dead? I know that through most of the end of dbz he is, but I  wanted to know if at the very end......if when they wish to restore all the  good people killed by buu if goku is restored with them?!!

4) what about Vegeta? Is he dead? I don't think he is, but I could be wrong.

5) Is there anything else that changes dramitacally from the begining of the android saga which is about as far as I have seen episodes....although I do know basically what happens in the main fights.......

If any body else has something to add that they know about the end of dbz..... please write me at



    Aaaahh  Fanfic's the heart of maintaining DBZ as a source of entertainment.(always good as long as a person doesnt go overboard)

A1.) Videl is Mr. Satan's Daughter. And yes, she becomes Gohan's girlfriend/wife.

A2.) Gohan, after his powerup later in the series...he doesnt need to go super saiya-jin(his hidden power is released and is refered to many as "Mystical Gohan"). Gt COMPLETELY disregarded that though, and Gohan goes Super Saiya-jin in GT. If you mean has he EVER gone super saiya-jin  yes, when he was training with Goku in the room of "spirit and time".

A3.) Goku is alive at the end of DBZ.

A4.) Vegeta is alive again at the end of DBZ

A5.) In my opinion tons changes from the Android saga to the end of DBZ.(too much to explain)

Subject: Fansubs
do u think they will survive. Maybe some will go into hiding till they stop looking for Fansubs. And what do u think about FUNimation.


   Oh, well yea of course. Stopping Fansubs is gonna be very hard but no matter what they do, there will always be a few fansub sites around. I know of 3 people who have already set up a plan to wait untill they (funimation) stop looking so hard...or at least stop untill people quit turning others in.....(brian real).....  then they'll start distributing.    What do i think about funimation?    urgh.....well....i dont hate them, or nothing. For one thing they cant help it, TOEI isnt selling the right for the original audio(for the episodes) so it's not like even if they wanted to they could release  subtitled episodes. But im still dissapointed in what they are doing. In the way they are doing it. Instead of getting all new voice actors that are good...they get ones...that sound sort of close...but with no emotion.(Only counts for some of the new voices not all).  Everyone will have a different opinion on the matter.

Subject: ssj goku
When goku turns ssj when battling freeza he tells gohan and piccolo to leave because he thinks his rage might erupt on them. when he turns ssj is he uncontrolable, or is he still his same old self?


   In super saiya-jin he isnt uncontrolable.......but his anger is controling most of his actions....but Goku is a purehearted person so being in super saiya-jin didnt cause him to freak out. Remember when Vegeta was talking about a previous super saiya-jin(stated in both the dub and the original sub) because his anger controled him and he wasnt prepared for the power...well...i th ink it's stated pretty clearly what happened to him in the show.

Subject: (no subject)
Hey, great site. I was just wondering why on Planet in their DBZ movie section there is a movie with Hitler in it. I was wondering if Hitler from the Nazi era was in the DBZ or is there another character with the same name.


    Thats from movie 12 when everyone escapes from the hell/heaven because Janemba has taken over the spirit world. ONE OF MY FAVORITE movies. I love it.       DBZ in the Nazi era? no. Dragonball z is actually supposed to be about 10 years in the future.

Subject: krillian
is there any villians that have not beat krillian badly, not saying that i don't like krillian he's 1 of my favs, also how tall was krillian and in the fight against nappa and vegeta yamcha tells krillian to let him fight first because krillian has already died so how did he die and if so how was he revived by the dragon balls when frieza killed him? nice site 5 star

-Vegeta (i wish)


   Ok well i've hardly seen any of the original dragonball but i know of a few things. He is actually stronger that Goku for a quite some time in dragonball. And he was very strong compared to everyone...but by the time DBZ came matter what Krillin could muster it wasnt anything compared to what Goku, Trunks,Vegeta, Piccolo etc. had. How was he revived after Freeza killed him? they used the Namek dragonballs to bring him back.
Subject: About "Ki"
How do you pronounce "ki"?? Is it "chee" or "kee"???


    In almost all of my fansubs it's pronounced "kee"

Subject: mail for you!
I have to say that I love your page--- you've got MUSIC VIDEOS!! Maybe I've been out of it, but I've never seen a DBZ music vid in my life. Sure I've seen plenty Sailor Moon ones.... but I'm getting off track This e-mail is to praise your page, and ask a minor you know when you'll get the music vid of Goku and Vegeta fighting back up? Vegeta is my fav because he rips ass, and I'd love to see the video! I hope you can sift through all the other e-mails and manage a small response to this one. I LOVE YOUR PAGE!!



    DBZ music vids have been around. Not very many fact very few before my page came around. Originally i started liking the idea of making music vids. When on one of the AOL's file collections for Video games, i saw a n64 music video. It wasnt THAT great but i was still impressed, this is where i first got the ideo to make music vids, except at that time i didnt even know of dragonball z i didnt come to even like dragonball z till about say   November? i think last year....and well, i put two and two together and i found myself making dbz music vids. I wanted people to see them SOOO bad so i made a webpage and put them up. Before i knew it every other page on the net was doing them. Heh, dont think that every other site on the net thought of it themselves...there is a good 90% chance they got it from me. And some of them are REALLY good! Although personally i never have time to download them, i know they are good from some of the fans saying "CHECK THIS SITE THE MUSIC VIDS ARE AMAZING" and all that. i cant remember what my original point was but i'll answer your question, why isnt the Goku and Vegeta music vid up....i cant quite encoded them into realplayer correctly. And i dont want them in quicktime cause they are HUGE!

Subject: (no subject)


   I cant make them into webtv fact...i didnt even know webtv could view any media of that sort anyways. WEB TV isnt made for's made for families who just have alota people in the house who like to surf the net. Now while WEBTV is good and pretty damn cool(i would love to have it in my room, then i wouldnt even have to get up to get on the net). WEBTV shouldnt be an alternative to a good solid comp. And my files....can play on IBM and Macintosh both to my knowledge.

Subject: krylins hair
so how did krillen get his hair back? by wishing with the dragon balls,finaly being with a chick or .......what?


   He was raised by my knowledge i dont know much about the original dragonball. To my knowledge he was a monk...sorta....and shaved his head. After he got married to #18 and had a kid, he pretty much wasnt a monk anymore(monks dont get married or have kids) and grew his hair back.  He was never actually bald.

Subject: Awesome Music Vid
Your New Video featuring " Don't Leave Me" By Blink 182 is the BEST video I have ever seen. Not only am I an extensive fan of Blink 182 but of your kick ass site ass well. If It was up to me I would say that you should make another Vid with another Blink song... but then again thats just my opinion. Dude... I love your site and if there is anything I can do to help you along with your site don't hesitate to ask. Iam greatly skilled in the graphics and video department. And I also have a knack of getting a lot of cool music ;-). But anyway... just wanted to say that your site kicks ass and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Peace.


---------------'s good to hear there is another loyal fan of Blink182 out there. Actually i am planning on doing several more blink182 music vids soon. In fact i have got several started i just havent worked on them in quite some time.   I dont think i need any help on anything etc. I found it works alot better if i do things myself, i had co-webmaster once, and it didnt work out too well.

Subject: Garlic Jr.????
Is Garlic Jr. in episodes of Dbz or just the Movie1?


     He shows up in the episodes, you'll see him after funimation gets that part of the series dubbed. It's a short saga that comes right after the freeza saga.  And if funimation does actually get a full 50 new eps dubbed like they said then were gauranteed to see that saga.

Questions listed in no peticular order. Just randomly.